Thursday 30th, we have strike and we don't go to school.
Friday 31, today we have continued to carry out the cosimir exercises, which are getting complicated since we always have that fear that those of the other classrooms will cause a short circuit and with it the program would be deleted since we do not have a license. On the other hand, the other part of the group has caused a short circuit or we do not know that reaction has had a card that started to come out smoke and an odor has burned.teachers have not been able to tell us the problem so it is unresolved.

Monday 3th, We didn't have to go to class today since we've dreaded party. Today it was San Blas

Tuesday 4th, Today Adri and Unai have continued to do Cosimir's exercises. These exercises have been finished today. While Xabier and Aritz have managed to do the wiring of the model and have continued with the challenge program. Andoni, for his part, has continued to make the screen, which we will then have to use as a command in the project. In the end. of the day the teacher has been explaining to us that towards the g120 drive and we have been watching different videos on youtube of its operation and we found it quite interesting.

Wednesday 5th, There has been a major foul in our group, since Xabier has been ill. Well, today we continued to do the same as yesterday. Unai has started to look at the operation of the drive, but has not managed to run the engine. Andoni has continued to make the screen. While Aritz has continued with the screen programming. While Zorri has completed the documentation of the project

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